In November 1963 C. S. Lewis, the famous Christian author, passed away. This Oxford scholar, who had converted from atheism to Christianity, was a great writer. Intellectual books, science fiction, children’s fantasies and other works flowed from his pen with a strong Christian message. His books have been used by God in the conversion of many, including politicians and Nobel Prize-winning scientists.

Some are called to tell others about Christ through writing, but all believers are called to be ‘letters’ of Christ in the way we live. The apostle Paul tells us, “Clearly you are [a letter] of Christ . . . written not with ink but by the Spirit of the living God” (2 Cor. 3:3).

Certainly Paul does not mean we are actually pieces of paper upon which God’s message has been written. But as living ‘letters’ we can illustrate how Jesus Christ makes a difference in how we treat others and strive to live with integrity.

Few will have the influence that C. S. Lewis did, but we are all called to bring glory to the One who loves us and has redeemed us!

We are Christ’s ‘letters of recommendation’ to all who read our lives.


Dennis Fisher


Our Daily Bread