A Fitting Present
Volume 2, Day 359
A little boy was somewhat per- plexed by all the exchanging of presents on Christmas morning, for he had been taught in Sunday school that it was the birthday of the Saviour. Finally, after a long period of silence, he asked, “Mummy, when are we going to give Jesus His present? I thought it was His birthday!”
Strange isn’t it that most of us give gifts to everyone but the One whose birthday we celebrate? A good question we might ask ourselves is this: What am I going to give to the Lord Jesus this Christmas? If you have never trusted in Him as your Saviour, the thing He desires most from you is a believing heart. Why not put your faith in Jesus’ sacrificial death on the cross so you can be saved from your sins?
If by faith you already know Christ as your Saviour, then the most wonderful thing you can do this Christmas is to present to God the one gift He most desires to receive from you—your body (Rom. 12:1).
Our bodies are to be used for God’s purposes. Because we have accepted the gift of salvation from Him, it’s only reasonable that we should present ourselves to the Father. When we give ourselves, we give the one Christmas present that truly fits the occasion!
Richard DeHaan