Have you ever noticed that in win- ter some oak trees retain their crisp, dry leaves long after the beech, the elms and the walnuts have become bare skeletons? Even the strong winter winds and the early spring rains do not completely strip the oak branches of all their old leaves. But as springtime progresses, warmer winds blow and something wonderful begins to happen. Tiny buds start appearing at the tips of the twigs and the dried remnants of the preceding season fall off. New life replaces the old.

At times old habits cling to our lives with the same tenacity as those oak leaves. Even times of adversity do not remove all the lifeless leftovers of our fallen human nature.

But Christ, who dwells in our hearts by the Holy Spirit, is at work. His life within us continually seeks to push off the old habits—renewing us when we confess our sins, steadying us when we falter and strengthening us to do His will.

When every effort to cast off an old sinful habit ends in failure, remember the mighty oak. Thank God for His Spirit who lives in you. Keep saying yes to His gentle urging to be kind, loving, compassionate, honest and faithful. Those lifeless old leaves will eventually drop off.

To get rid of a bad habit, start a good one—trust God.


Dennis J. DeHaan


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