Eureka Stone
Volume 3, Day 339
In 1867 on a farm in South Africa, 15 year old Erasmus Jacobs saw a stone glistening in the sun. The shining rock was eventually reported to a neighbour, who wanted to buy it from the family. Not knowing its value, Erasmus’ mother told the neighbour, “You can keep the stone, if you want it.”
Eventually someone realised the stone was a 21.25 carat diamond and worth a great sum. It became known as the “Eureka Diamond”. (The Greek word eureka means “I found it!”) Soon the fields near the Jacobs’ farm soared in value. Underneath the land was one of the richest diamond deposits ever discovered.
Jesus said that the value of being part of God’s kingdom is like treasure: “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid; and for joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field” (Matt. 13:44).
When we put our faith in Christ, a spiritual ‘eureka moment’ arrives. God gives us forgiveness in His Son. It is the greatest treasure that could ever be found. Now all of life can begin to centre on the value of becoming a joyous member of His eternal kingdom. It’s our joy to share that valuable discovery with others.
Dennis Fisher