Can Christians still drink and go to parties?

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1The Bible has quite a lot to say about alcohol . . . but you might be surprised that it’s not about avoiding it! One bit actually says: “Drink your wine with a merry heart” (Ecclesiastes 9:7). So yes, as Christians clearly we can still drink and enjoy ourselves in places that serve alcohol.
But what the Bible also makes clear is that we need to be careful when we are drinking and partying. It warns us not to get drunk or allow anything (including drink) to take control of us. God doesn’t say this to limit our fun, but to keep us safe. Alcohol can become addictive and then, rather than being a bit of fun, can take over and ruin our lives. And getting drunk makes us lose control over what we do and say—and can land us in a lot of trouble. Alcohol is a gift from God, so we don’t need to feel guilty about enjoying it. But we do need to make sure we’re careful not let it take over.
Some Christians choose not to drink and party. This isn’t because they’re killjoys. It’s because they know if they’re somewhere where alcohol is served, they won’t be able to stop themselves drinking and drinking and drinking. And so they keep themselves well out of the way. That’s kind of what this all comes down to: who do we want to please in our lives? Ourselves? Or God? If we’re living to please God, then we’ll want to avoid things that displease him—like getting off our faces. And when we are in the pub or at a party, we’ll want to enjoy ourselves in a way that shows God is in charge of how we act.
— Chris, an Our Daily Bread reader

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