Did Jesus really do miracles?

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1Miracles are sometimes described as amazing things God does. For example, in the Bible, Jesus gave blind people their sight back, made paralysed people walk again and brought the dead back to life.
But can we really believe these sorts of things actually happened? Yes, we can. Firstly, if Jesus is God then there’s no reason why he can’t do absolutely anything. He created the world after all, so why shouldn’t he be able to do incredible things in it?
Secondly, the eyewitness accounts of Jesus in the Bible are exactly that: told by people who were there at the time and saw the miracles for themselves. All the miracles Jesus did were to prove that he was indeed who he said he was—God. When he calmed a storm in Matthew 8, we’re told his friends “were amazed and asked, ‘What kind of man is this? Even the winds and the waves obey him!’ ” (v.27). Clearly Jesus was no ordinary “man”.
If Jesus’ miracles were not real, then they’re just nice, but pointless ‘stories’. The sick people he met would have remained ill and suffering. The helpless people would have stayed helpless. The dead people would have stayed dead. But everything in Jesus’ life (his teaching and his miracles) shows he came to totally change everything.
Jesus did heal, he did create food for thousands from a lunchbox, he did turn water into wine and he did raise people from the dead. John 2:23 tells us that many believed in him because of the miracles.
All the miracles had a purpose—to prove that Jesus is like no one else and that he has complete control of our world because he made it. The miracles are also there to convince us that if he can do all these things, nothing in our lives is too hard for him to handle. He wants us to trust him and know that he can work powerfully in our lives. He can totally change us, just like the miracles totally changed the lives of the people back then.
— Chris, an Our Daily Bread reader

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