Does God love some people more than others?

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1God doesn’t love supposedly ‘important’ people more than the rest of us. God doesn’t view people according to rank, military honours or number of tours. He doesn’t rate us according to our medals or achievements. In fact, those things don’t matter to God as much as we might expect.
There is only one thing we need to receive all of God’s favour: trusting in Jesus. And this is open to absolutely anyone. He wants to show his love and favour to everyone who wants to know him (Jeremiah 29:13). And though he may give different spiritual gifts to everyone who trusts him, that’s not a sign of favouritism either because he does give all his children gifts and places to serve him (1 Corinthians 12:5-7; 1 Peter 4:10). God’s favourites are his children all his children; everyone who trusts Jesus and has been forgiven and made new through him (John 1:12).
We look at people according to what we see: rank, abilities, skills, influence. But the Bible tells us: “The Lord doesn’t see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” Whether we’re a commanding officer or a new recruit, God’s love is available in exactly the same way: trusting Jesus. And when we do trust Jesus, we receive just as much love, care and attention from God as anyone else. We are prized by God not because of what we have done, but because he personally made us and died to save us. He is excited to have us in his family, just as we are.
— Chris, an Our Daily Bread reader

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