Does hell exist?

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1Yes, the Bible is clear that both heaven (Revelation chapter 21, verse 1 to 2) and hell (Revelation chapter 20, verses 14-15) exist. We like the idea of heaven being real—but none of us want there to be a hell. And it’s hard to work out what it even is. Is it a fiery pit of cauldrons and pitchforks, or an underground city filled with ghosts and goblins? Those pictures are pretty hard to believe in.
Jesus spent more time warning people about the dangers of hell than he did describing heaven. Because it’s not a nightmarish, but unreal place from the movies—it’s very real. The Bible is clear that we will all either go to heaven after we die, or hell. And we must choose now where we go. Those who decide to trust Jesus with their lives will go to heaven, his home, after they die. Those who continue to ignore or say no to Jesus will go to hell after they die. The choice we make about Jesus decides where we go: it’s as simple as that.
The Bible actually gives very few details about hell itself. Being in hell is compared to burning (Mark chapter 9, verses 43 to 48). Hell is also compared to darkness (Matthew chapter 22, verse 13) and will be a place of grief (Matthew chapter 8, verse 12) and horror (Mark chapter 9, verse 44).
In short, the Bible tells that hell is real and tells us what being in hell is like. It is the place where it’s too late to ask God to let us be part of his family-home in heaven. The Bible makes it clear that hell is real, lasts forever and is to be avoided at all costs.
— Chris, an Our Daily Bread reader

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