What does the Holy Spirit do?

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1Sometimes the Bible calls the Holy Spirit a “helper” and “comforter”. This makes it sounds like he’s a warm, fuzzy feeling we might get sometimes. Or that we’re in charge and he’s just helping us, a bit like a genie.
But neither of these are quite right. The Holy Spirit, being God, is the one in charge in our lives. And even though he is called the “comforter”, he isn’t here to make us feel comfy. He is here to lead us and “help” us become more like Jesus.
The word “comfort”, when it comes to the Holy Spirit, is all about protection. It’s more literally comfort. The Holy Spirit is like a fortress who locks us into God’s family so we can’t ever lose our place with him (Ephesians chapter 1, verse 13). He also makes us brave enough to stand out for God (2 Timothy chapter 1, verse 7), and ready to fight against our selfishness (Galatians chapter 5, verse 16). The Holy Spirit uses the Bible, our prayers, church, other Christians and the time we spend with God to correct us when we go wrong, and make us more like he is: full of “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control” (Galatians chapter 5, verses 22 to 23). In his fortress, he will protect us, change us and help us to grow into the kind of people we’ve always wanted to be!
— Angela, an Our Daily Bread reader

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