One mark of a good salesperson  is a thorough knowledge of his product. They know the materials from which it is made. They understand its capabilities. They study the advantages it will bring to the consumer. And they can answer customers’ questions. The seller who doesn’t know their own product will not get the sales.

John R. Rushmore, in his book The Big Sell, surveyed the men and women who buy products from large industrial companies. They expressed the opinion that more than 80 percent of the salespeople who called on them did not have a thorough knowledge of the items they were trying to sell.

As I read that, it made me think about those of us who are Christians. We are called to be witnesses for Jesus, but how well do we know our ‘product’? We represent Christ in everything we do and say. Therefore, when we speak out for Him, we must do so boldly and clearly. This means we must be familiar with what Scripture says about sin, salvation and man’s need for faith. If we do not represent the gospel accurately, our witness for the Saviour will be ineffective.

Study God’s Word. Learn its doctrines and put them into practise. That will make you a better witness.

To be a fisher of men in the world, be a hunter for truth in the Word.


David C. Egner


Our Daily Bread