What was wrong with the ancient Israelites? Why did they have such trouble trusting God? In Hebrews 3 we’re reminded that they heard God’s promise yet refused to believe. I think I know why—we have the same problem today.

God provided for the people when they walked through the wilderness. They would be satisfied and happy for a while, but then a new crisis would arise. They would stare ahead at their wall of trouble, become frightened and lose faith.

Before Moses went up the mountain to get instructions from God, the Israelites had recently defeated the Amalekites. Things were going fine. But when Moses stayed on the mountain too long, the people panicked. Instead of looking back and recalling that God could be trusted, they looked ahead and saw nothing but the possibility of a future without a leader. So they sought to create “gods that shall go before us” (Ex. 32:1). Their trust was blocked by a fear of the future when it could have been solidified with a simple look back at God’s deliverance.

Likewise our obstacles appear huge. We need to look back and reassure ourselves by recalling what God has already done on our behalf. Looking into the past can give us forward confidence.

Fear hinders faith, but trust in God will increase our confidence.


Dave Branon


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