Making Up For Lost Time
Volume 3, Day 102
None of us can say that we have no regrets. Often we are led down paths of bad choices—some paths longer than others—which can have a lingering effect on the mind, body and soul.
A friend of mine spent a number of years living a life filled with alcohol and drug abuse. But God did an amazing work in his life and he recently celebrated 25 years of being free from substance abuse. He now runs a successful business, has a devoted wife and his children love Jesus. He has a passion to reach out to others who are struggling with life, and he serves as a wise and loving mentor in the rescue operations of their lives.
God never gives up on us! Even if we’ve made poor choices in the past that have left us with regret, we can choose how we will live now. We can choose to continue destructive living, simply wallow in regret or we can run to Christ believing that He has ways to “restore . . . the years that the swarming locust has eaten” (Joel 2:25). When we repentantly seek His healing and freeing power, He is merciful.
While some consequences from the past may remain, we can be confident that God has a good and glorious future for those who trust in Him!
Joe Stowell