Many years ago, a friend of mine was hunting with friends near Balmoral, Scotland, the country estate of the Queen. As they walked, he twisted his ankle so badly that he couldn’t go on, so he told his friends to continue and he would wait by the side of the road.

As he sat there, a car came down the road, slowed and stopped. The woman driving rolled the window down and asked if he was okay. He explained and said he was waiting for his friends to return. She said, “Get in; I’ll take you back to where you are staying.” He limped to the car and opened the door only to realise that it was Queen Elizabeth!

As shocking as receiving help from royalty may be, we have an offer of help that is even more amazing. The Creator-God of the universe knows our world, sees our trouble and offers to gather His resources to help us. As the psalmist confidently states, “God is . . . a very present help in trouble” (Ps. 46:1). Our Saviour helps by giving us grace to endure, His Word to sustain us, friends to encourage and pray for us and the confidence that He will ultimately work it all together for our spiritual good.

Next time you feel stranded along life’s road, look for your Helper.

Rejoice! Your God is a helping King!


Joe Stowell


Our Daily Bread