Ashpenaz, a high court official in    ancient Babylon, was committed to banishing any testimony of Israel’s God from his kingdom. His strategy focused on young leadership from the captive Hebrews. Ashpenaz gave the captives new names to honour the pagan gods of Babylon. This made sense to him, because their original Hebrew names honoured their God (Dan. 1:6).

But the life choices of those captives were a far more powerful witness than any label put on them. When faced with being thrown into a furnace of fire, the young men would not bow down and worship the golden idol. Instead they accepted the punishment—confident in God’s sovereignty and care (ch.3).

Do you know unbelievers who try to pressure you to fit in with their lifestyle? If you don’t party with them, follow a questionable business practise or laugh at an offensive joke, do you get the cold shoulder? People may even call you names because you won’t run with their crowd. But when you’re rejected because of your loyalty to God, you can live in a way that honours the Father.

It doesn’t matter what others call us. It’s how we live our lives before God that matters. What’s important is that we always let our light shine.

A small light can chase away great darkness.


Dennis Fisher


Our Daily Bread