During a recent study, 200,000 employees were interviewed to discover if anything was missing from their workplace. The study concluded that appreciation and affirmation (encouragement and recognition) topped the list of what they wanted most from their employers. This research implies that receiving affirmation is a basic human need.

The apostle Paul seemed to realise this basic need in the Corinthian believers, so before he addressed them with firm words of discipline, he showered them with affirmation. As their spiritual leader, Paul began his letter with thanksgiving to God for the grace being displayed in their lives.

Once far from God, these believers were now participating in His grace through the death and resurrection of Christ. United with Jesus, they were drawing their spiritual life from Him, and the result of this union was their spiritual growth in godliness (1 Cor. 1:4-7). Paul deliberately and continually thanked God for His work in the Corinthian believers’ lives. I imagine that they were more able to bear firm criticism from Paul because of his truthful affirmation.

When we see people who are obeying God, let’s take time to affirm them and to thank God for what He’s doing through them.

Who can you encourage today?


Marvin Williams


Our Daily Bread