As a young pastor I served a new   congregation that included my parents. My father was very active in the church’s ‘people ministries’—evangelism, hospital and nursing home visits, bus ministry, relief for the poor and more. Although he had never been formally trained in ministry, Dad had a natural ability to connect with people who were in the midst of hard times. That was his passion—the downtrodden people who are often overlooked. In fact, on the day he died, my last conversation with him was about someone he had promised to call on. He was concerned that his promise be kept.

I believe that my father’s service was one that followed the heart of Christ. Jesus looked out over the masses of the forgotten people of the world and felt compassion for them (Matt. 9:36-38). He commanded His followers to pray that the heavenly Father would send workers (like my dad) to reach those weighed down with the cares of life.

My father became the answer to those prayers in many hurting people’s lives and we can as well. When the prayer goes out for someone to represent Christ’s love, may our heart respond: “Lord, here am I! Send me.”

Always be willing to serve others.


Bill Crowder


Our Daily Bread