How should we view Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs)?

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1There are several countries which either have, or are making, Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs), including nuclear and chemical weapons. They can kill millions in just a few seconds; it’s a really scary thought.

So how should we feel about these weapons?

Firstly, the Bible tells us that until Jesus returns, there will be wars, fighting and death all over the world. That’s not to say it doesn’t matter; but that it isn’t something we need to be terrified about (Matthew chapter 24, verse 6). Jesus promises new life with God and a secure place in heaven for everyone who trusts Him. No matter what happens, what wars are fought or even what weapons are used, nothing can separate us from Jesus once we trust Him (Romans chapter 8, verses 38-39).

Secondly, God is in control. The governments and leaders who have access to WMDs are not the ultimate power in the world. God allows the rulers and leaders to have power (Romans chapter 13, verse 1); but He is really the One in control. It’s also worth remembering that WMDs—in the right hands—can actually stop wars.

Finally, as powerful as WMDs are, prayer is actually much more powerful! (James chapter 5, verse 16). When we ask God to bring peace, end wars and stop WMDs from being used, we are talking with the one who can do all things and who “gives everyone life and breath and everything else” (Acts chapter 17, verse 25). Nothing is too hard for Him. WMDs can only reach so far, but our prayers can affect every corner of the world.

“Some trust in chariots and some in horses [and some in WMDs], but we trust in the name of the Lord our God” (Psalm 20, verse 7).

— Chris, an Our Daily Bread reader

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