In the film The Four Feathers,  Harry Faversham left England in the 1880s to search for his friends in the King’s army in the Sudan. In his quest Harry got lost and was near death in the vast deserts of Africa. Then, as his life was ebbing away, he was rescued by an African, Abou Fatma, who cared for him.

Stunned by the man’s kindness to a stranger, Harry asked why his new friend had done so much for him. Fatma’s response was direct: “God put you in my way!”

In the parable of the Good Samaritan, a priest and a religious scholar, whose calling was to help the downtrodden, ignored the need of a fallen traveller who had been left to die on the Jericho Road. A hated Samaritan, however, gave his time and resources to help the hurting man, displaying Christ’s compassion. He bandaged his wounds, brought him to an inn, “and took care of him” (Luke 10:34). The ravaged man had been put in the way of all three travellers, but only the Samaritan responded.

As we move through life we are challenged to respond to the needs of people. We will either show them Christ’s love or be indifferent. How will we respond to those God chooses to put in our way?

We should always be looking for those God puts ‘in our way’.


Bill Crowder


Our Daily Bread