Waiting is hard at any time; but when days, weeks or even months pass and our prayers seem to go unanswered, it’s easy to feel God has forgotten us. Perhaps we can struggle through the day, but at night it’s hard to deal with our worry and unanswered thoughts. Fear takes over and the dark hours seem endless. Nights of worry make all of us feel tired and unable to face the next day.

The psalmist grew weary as he waited (Ps. 13:1). He felt abandoned—as if his enemies were gaining the upper hand (v.2). When we’re waiting for God to solve a difficult situation or to answer our prayers, it’s easy to get discouraged.

Satan whispers that God has forgotten us and that things will never change. We may be tempted to give in to despair. Why bother to read the Bible or to pray? Why make the effort to meet with fellow believers in Christ? But we need our spiritual family most when we’re waiting. They help to hold us steady to the truth of God’s love and to remember His Spirit within us.

The psalmist had a solution. He focused on all that he knew of God’s love, reminding himself of past blessings and praising God, who would not forget him. We can do the same.

God is worth waiting for; His timing is always best.


Marion Stroud


Our Daily Bread