When Jesus taught us to pray, He began, “Our Father in heaven” (Luke 11:2). It is one of many Scriptures that refer to God as a father. I find it amazing that when God wanted us to know what He is like, He chose to emphasise His fatherhood.

What do we know about God as our Father? According to Jesus’ prayer, we know that our Father in heaven is available and focused on us. It is also clear that He provides for us. He forgives us and protects us from evil (vv.2-4).

What a great example for you if you are a parent! Granted, there is only one perfect Father in the universe, but as such He sets the pace for the rest of us. I discovered very early on that my children were not impressed with books I wrote, honours I won or places I spoke. They wanted my time and attention, the provision for basic needs, a love that patiently forgave and a safe place for them to grow and mature. It’s a short but very profound list of fatherly duties, whether you are home or not.

And what about those of us who’ve never had a dad like that? Take heart in the fact that if you have been saved by Jesus, you have a perfect heavenly Father—and He’s the best Father of all.

The heavenly Father’s arms never tire of supporting His children.


Joe Stowell


Our Daily Bread