Frank, Ted and I were fishing for bluegill. We were on a pontoon boat and the fish were really biting. Busy baiting and hooking, we slowly became aware that the action had slacked off. Then we realised why: the boat was no longer sitting where we had put it. A strong wind had come up and pushed it across the water. The anchor could not hold us and was sliding across the lake bottom. We hauled it up, returned to our hot spot and re-anchored. We were moved away again. After a third try we went back to shore. We could not get our anchor to grab and stick.

When it comes to our salvation, our hope is anchored in the promise of God and the work of Jesus Christ. The winds and waves of doubt, discouragement and spiritual attack by the evil one can cause us to think that we are adrift and salvation from God is not secure. Not so! God has given His promise that our salvation is sure, and He cannot lie (Heb. 6:18-19). Our hope is securely fastened in Jesus Christ who redeemed us once and for all when He died, rose again and ascended to heaven.

Our anchor is the Rock unmovable—Jesus Christ. His limitless love holds us sure and steadfast.

Our anchor is the Rock, Jesus Christ.


David C. Egner


Our Daily Bread