Because our son Steve spent most  of his teenage years connected to a mobile phone, it was a bit of a shock for us when we couldn’t talk with him for long periods of time after he joined the Navy. Initially at basic training, and later while he trained as a hospital medic, we endured long periods of time without any communication. So it was a treat whenever we finally did hear from him.

After one of us would get his call, the first question from the other was always, “What did he say?” We hung on every word to hear how he was doing, what he was thinking and what the Navy was planning for him.

It’s natural to respond like this to the words of those who are important to us. We eagerly anticipate hearing from them. Are we like that with the Word of God? Are we eager to communicate with Him—to look carefully into His Book to ask, “What did He say?” Unlike the infrequent calls from a son in the military, God’s words of encouragement and guidance are always available to us. We just have to listen.

The prophet Jeremiah prayed, “When Your words came, I ate them; they were my joy and my heart’s delight” (Jer. 15:16). Do you have that same longing to hear God speak to you through His Word?

We cannot know the heart of God unless we have a heart for God.


Dave Branon


Our Daily Bread