There’s an old saying, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me.” It isn’t true. Words can hurt us most of all.

In my case the hurtful words were “skinny bones”, a name given to me during my school years. I chuckle now when I think of it—no one would call me “skinny bones” these days. But back then the name wounded me. It became the way I thought of myself.

My father and mother, however, had the grace and wisdom to have given me another name, David—a name that means ‘beloved’ in Hebrew. Despite the taunts I received on the playground, I knew I was loved at home.

Perhaps you were one of those children who people called names: “Dummy”, “Idiot”, “Fatso” or some other cruel tag. Perhaps people still call you names or use your given name with contempt. I believe that God will one day give you a new name, a term of endearment known only by your heavenly Father and you (Rev. 2:17). His voice will convey tenderness, love and acceptance. Your name is dear to Him.

As a little child once put it, “When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different. Your name is safe in their mouth.” You—and your name—are safe with God.

Your name is important to God.


David H. Roper


Our Daily Bread